I recently took a trip to Big Cypress National Park to visit a place called Gator Hook. Gator Hook is a trail off of Loop Road that is about three (3) miles in length one way. There are many side trails off of the main trail. One of these side trails leads to a magical place called Gator Hook Cypress Dome.
Inside Gator Hook you will find large Cypress Trees more than 100 hundred years old covered with air plants such as Bromeliads. The entire area is surrounded by water that ranges from ankle deep to chest deep. In the center of the Cypress dome is a large pool where it is too deep for the cypress trees to grow creating a small lake. This lake is the deepest part of the dome and is also called a gator hole. I have seen a few very large gators swiming around in this area. In the dry season when the water recedes you can see the alligator drags where they have left Gator Hook to visit a neighboring cypress dome. On this trip I captured one of my favorite shots showing the large cypress trees, air plants and blue reflections off of the deeper water.
Gator Hook is a great place to visit and has a unique aura that surrounds you when you walk into it. It is very calming and peaceful while under the Cypress Canopy.